Julian loves sports. For quite a while already he has been throwing footballs (spirals!), tossing balls on the roof to watch them roll back down and even hitting tennis balls. He is already on a soccer team and has no problem dribbing the ball in a straight line or doing a 'big kick' (his words) to put the ball in the back of the net.
Julian's first ride on a Merry-go-round at Woodland Park Zoo. He clung on tight and halfway through the ride was saying "Don't like it!" Of course, when it was over he didn't want to leave. Neither did mommy. :)
TV! Julian's favorite show, the 'Back Yardigans', which he calls 'Tyrone' after one of the characters, quickly became an obsession. Mom and Dad had to resort to telling Julian that the TV was broken. TV broken? Yup, sorry pal, TV broken.
Now no more TV, no more tantrums. (Well, a few less anyway).