Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bath Time!

I am sure there will come a day where Julian will thank me for posting his bath time photos on the internet for all to see.

Still BFF With Mr. Monkey

Mr. Monkey is still 'Mr. Popular' with Julian. For poor Mr. Monkey this means frequent rides in the washing machine to remove the drool that Julian bestows on his best friend. We should all be so lucky to have friends like Mr. Monkey.

Solid Foods

We have started Julian on solid foods. Formula is still his main intake, but it does not look like it will be too hard to make the switch when the time comes. Getting him to open his mouth was pretty easy. Once we showed him that we would eat his food if he didn't, (the mashed carrots are especially tasty) he was pretty quick to open his mouth to see what the stuff on the spoon was all about.

Good Morning!

Julian usually wakes up pretty happy. We often hear him chattering to himself in the morning. He usually gives us a good 5-10 minutes before his cute little sounds change to cries for food that are, well....not so cute.

Sunday, August 16, 2009