Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's Good to be the King

Just another day ruling the manor!

Julian turned 5 months old today. It is so hard to believe that much time as passed already. Also hard to believe is that he is now roughly 3x the weight he was at birth!

Until very recently he had been sleeping through the night fairly consistently. However, that has changed due to what we believe to be a growth spurt, fairly common at this age.

Julian started day care on June 1st and seems to really enjoy it. Mom and dad enjoy how tired he is when he gets home. Win-win!
Julian also brought home his first cold from day care and promptly passed it on to Mom and Dad. He is thoughtful like that.

The day care sends a 'report card' home with him every day. On his first day it read "Julian is very smiley!" Looks like he is off to a good start!

Do These Glasses Make Me Look Smarter?

Or do they just make dad look dumber for having taken these photos...

Mom Gets Some Nap Time ,Too

They Say the Camera Adds 10 Pounds

Or is it 20 pounds?

Naw, it's just the photographer's fault. (I'm pretty sure it's the same kid.)

Hangin' With/Off Of, Mom

Now we know where he gets that fabulous smile from.

Still Trying to Catch Up On Sleep

While we both may be catching up on our sleep, only one of us is caught up on his meals.

Favorite Toy

He would like it even more if he could fit the whole thing into his mouth.

Likes What He Sees