Friday, June 29, 2012

Best Laugh

One of my favorite things in the world is when Julian laughs. He definitely got his laugh from his mother.

Little Musician

Julian is into 'big drums' (think 80's heavy metal much to the annoyance of Mommy) and still loves playing his guitar. Here he is performing his original composition entitled 'Pizza Soup'.
He recently discovered that Daddy had a trumpet, too.

I'll Be Right Back...

Thankfully, there are still many years ahead before he'll be asking for the keys. (If he drives like Daddy did when he was of age, he'll never get them.) 

On the Slide

We discovered a really cool little park in Woodway.  Brand new and usually empty so we get it to ourselves. They have a really cool slide made out of wood and metal. Here he is coming down the slide right before he collided with the photographer.

Spider Man

Julian totally digs bugs.  His favorites are 'beetle bugs', lady bugs and spiders.  He loves to go look for spiders and their webs. "Spiders don't fly, spiders wrap, right Daddy?"  Here he is after he got his face painted with his favorite bug and climbing the 'spider web' at the Zoo.

Sleeping Beauty

 Julian in his bed...

...and Julian in Mommy and Daddy's bed.  Which one do you think he likes better?