Julian's first ride on a Merry-go-round at Woodland Park Zoo. He clung on tight and halfway through the ride was saying "Don't like it!" Of course, when it was over he didn't want to leave. Neither did mommy. :)
TV! Julian's favorite show, the 'Back Yardigans', which he calls 'Tyrone' after one of the characters, quickly became an obsession. Mom and Dad had to resort to telling Julian that the TV was broken. TV broken? Yup, sorry pal, TV broken.
Now no more TV, no more tantrums. (Well, a few less anyway).
Julian loves to go outside and play in the yard. Blowing Dandelion seeds to help the weeds grow is a favorite pastime. It also doesn't hurt to bring a best friend along for the fun.
It's hard to believe how quickly Julian is growing. Here he is making sure Mom and Dad is paying attention to just how big he is. Shortly after this photo, Julian graduated to a toddler bed. Getting him to go to sleep has turned into a whole new ritual. (one that lasts anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour+)