Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bed Time for Bozos

Nice try. Go ahead. Exploit the cheesy-cutesy factor. It won't help you. You are still going to bed!

Mr. Style

Preppy to-the-max! This aint the 80's, mister. Don't worry, dad will have you growing out your hair and wearing a rock t-shirt in no time.

Healthy Appetite

For the most part Julian is a pretty good eater. He has taken to eating with adult spoons and forks. In fact, often he won't eat his food unless he can use a utensil. Of course, he still uses his hands to throw the food.

At the Playground

Julian loves to climb up things- steps, ladders, whatever gets him to higher ground. He has also taken to the slide.

Sometimes he needs a little help, though.

Running Through the Sprinkler

What is Julian's favorite thing to play with? Water!

Wash Cloth Tug of War!

Julian still loves taking a bath. We are planning on getting him into a swimming pool soon to see how he does. It's a safe bet he will love it.

Summer 2010

What do you mean I can't go outside like this?
I am wearing clothes. See the cape I've got on? If you will just open the door, I will show you how I can fly!