Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Bath Time!

I am sure there will come a day where Julian will thank me for posting his bath time photos on the internet for all to see.

Still BFF With Mr. Monkey

Mr. Monkey is still 'Mr. Popular' with Julian. For poor Mr. Monkey this means frequent rides in the washing machine to remove the drool that Julian bestows on his best friend. We should all be so lucky to have friends like Mr. Monkey.

Solid Foods

We have started Julian on solid foods. Formula is still his main intake, but it does not look like it will be too hard to make the switch when the time comes. Getting him to open his mouth was pretty easy. Once we showed him that we would eat his food if he didn't, (the mashed carrots are especially tasty) he was pretty quick to open his mouth to see what the stuff on the spoon was all about.

Good Morning!

Julian usually wakes up pretty happy. We often hear him chattering to himself in the morning. He usually gives us a good 5-10 minutes before his cute little sounds change to cries for food that are, well....not so cute.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Julian's New Friend Jeremy

Mr. Smiley Rides Aagin

If only we could get him to smile more.
Julian is sitting up pretty much on his own now.
He is also rolling over and does not mind being on his stomach.
In fact, he often rolls over on to his belly when he is sleeping.
A far cry from just two months ago when putting him on his
belly resulted in piercing screams that put our windows in
danger of being shattered or having a neighbor call CPS on us.
A this rate crawling is right around the corner, unless he decides
to skip it all together and start walking which is what the safe money is on.

6.5 Months Old and Almost 19 Pounds

And in the 90% percentile for his height. Not surprising considering how much he eats.
(Not to be confused with how much he tries to eat.)

Julian Meets his Aunt Donna

Yet another admirer! And she came all the way from Atlanta to meet me.
A guy could get used to all this attention!

Day Care Starts

Julian before Dad took him off to his first day at day care on June 1st.
He has actually done very well at day care. We were told that when all the other infants are crying, Julian is often laughing. That's ok, he has plenty of time to learn what empathy means.

Making New Friends

Mr. Bunny joins the long list of friends like Mr. Monkey and Mr. Crab.

Future Soccer Player

Ready to score a few goals.

Of course, he is the only one not watching the game.

Mr. Smiley

I know it seems that I only post photos of Julian smiling, but really he does smile a lot. That's not to say there aren't plenty 'non-smiling' moments, but one often does not reach for the camera during those times!

Julian and Mr. Crab at the Park

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's Good to be the King

Just another day ruling the manor!

Julian turned 5 months old today. It is so hard to believe that much time as passed already. Also hard to believe is that he is now roughly 3x the weight he was at birth!

Until very recently he had been sleeping through the night fairly consistently. However, that has changed due to what we believe to be a growth spurt, fairly common at this age.

Julian started day care on June 1st and seems to really enjoy it. Mom and dad enjoy how tired he is when he gets home. Win-win!
Julian also brought home his first cold from day care and promptly passed it on to Mom and Dad. He is thoughtful like that.

The day care sends a 'report card' home with him every day. On his first day it read "Julian is very smiley!" Looks like he is off to a good start!

Do These Glasses Make Me Look Smarter?

Or do they just make dad look dumber for having taken these photos...

Mom Gets Some Nap Time ,Too

They Say the Camera Adds 10 Pounds

Or is it 20 pounds?

Naw, it's just the photographer's fault. (I'm pretty sure it's the same kid.)

Hangin' With/Off Of, Mom

Now we know where he gets that fabulous smile from.

Still Trying to Catch Up On Sleep

While we both may be catching up on our sleep, only one of us is caught up on his meals.

Favorite Toy

He would like it even more if he could fit the whole thing into his mouth.

Likes What He Sees

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sharp Dresser

Ahh, To Sleep This Soundly!

Smiles A-Plenty!

Julian is making his parents very happy by being on such a set schedule. He goes to sleep at night at around 10pm, and doesn't usually wake up until around 6:15. This has been the case for the past month or so. Hopefully this trend will continue! Additionally, he always wakes up smiling. He didn't get that from his dad. Speaking of smiles, getting Julian to smile is a piece of cake these days. Such a happy little guy!

Dad's In Charge

Dad is at home full time, and so everything gets clean in one fell swoop. It's all about time management and efficiency, baby!

Taking After His Dad

Wait until he's old enough to discover the closet full of guitars...

A Visit From The Barry's

Making New Friends

Strong Hands! (and Appetite)

His grip is amazingly strong. I can actually pull him up to his feet by his hands now. Pretty soon he'll be opening the fridge and going for the real food.

Pics Way Overdue

Sorry for such a lag in the postings. Dad is now staying at home with Julian until he enters day care on June 1st, and although pictures of the J-man are still being taken, Mom and Dad have become a bit lax in sharing them with others. So with that in mind, here come a few photo updates...

Bath time!

After a bath, he's set for a night on the town. Julian cleans up nicely!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Really smiling, at last!

After over two months of stony stares, the evil eye and general looks of confusion (the meaning of which we were somehow supposed to interpret as either "feed me", "cuddle me", "change me", "burp me", "play with me", or "I'm ready for bed") we are happy to announce Julian has begun to smile - that is, really smile, while looking right at us, and on command (versus merely smiling in his dreams, while passing gas, or at inanimate objects). In any case, here he is just waking from a nap, looking happy and rested.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Playtime in the activity gym

Here Julian is seen playing with his new friend, Mr. Monkey. He is often heard cooing and smiling coyly at his 3-inch fuzzy friend, but occasionally he will get crabby and needs to be reminded to “play nice”. Either way, he has assured us that Mr. Monkey is his BFF.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Changing Every Day

Julian continues to gain weight, and he doesn't look to us like he's changed much. That is, until we go back and look at previous photos and then the changes are obvious and hard to believe they've happened over such a small span of time. Is he really only 7 weeks old? Seems like he's been a part of our lives forever.

Some small but noticable milestones: He mimics you when you stick your tongue out at him and does the same in return, he loves staring at the mobile above his crib, and he seems to be discovering his voice a bit. The latter being almost as amusing as the former. He will emit short little outbursts that sound similar to crying, but they only last a brief moment. He also makes one hell of a crabby face which I have yet to capture faithfully on film, but I'm sure he'll give me plenty more opportunities to do so.

Trip to the E.R. on 2-17-09.

Switching formulas apparently didn't sit well with the J-Man. Hope you're not eating as you read this, but we discovered blood in his stool last week and so that morning we headed off to the E.R. as directed by the on-call nurse. At the hospital we learned that it is a fairly common occurrence, and that switching formulas is often the culprit. Sorry Julian, we had no idea. :-/

No photos for this posting for obvious reasons.

Fast forward to today (one week later) and we thought the problem had corrected itself but it's returned. Dianna has the lovely duty (dooty?) of dropping off 'samples' at the pediatrician's office today. I guess it beats having the job of analyzing said 'samples'. Will post more when we know more.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Mom and Little Tiny

Two Valentine's Day sweethearts!

Custom Made Booties

Julian sporting his high-fashion footware, courtesy of Chary.
Perfect fit, and way cute! (So what if dad can't pick a matching outfit.)

Ready For Some Travelin'

Julian is quite the little fashion plate. Why am I wearing oven mits?

Six Weeks Old Today!

Hard to believe it has already been six weeks since he was born. Yet, at the same time it seems like he has always been here. Here's a bunch of photos of him hanging with mom and dad in bed, lazing on a Saturday morning.